Looks can be deceiving
Taken from reinedemars' post on 9GAG Yep! Believe it or not, the above illustration was taken from 9GAG. The site is not all about gags you know. How terribly true is this? We often judge people from how we see them and we rarely try to learn about the one inside. How many of us are guilty of saying "He's only 13...he knows nothing!" so that 'he' should not be blamed on any misconducts, even if it was his own doing; or perhaps "Eeuw! Look at that shabby looking guy! What a waste to the society," when in reality he was just an undercover agent on duty, dressing as the homeless and putting our safety before his own against the bad guys...okay, maybe not that convincing, but come on, don't deny this. You are as guilty as I am. Being a teacher, I always found myself guilty as charged. Judgmental and me cannot be separated. Every time the new semester starts I'll be seeing new faces thus many book covers are made available to be judged....